Body Treatments

Spa Body Treatments Philadelphia

Call 267.528.3859

Body Treatments are a great way to aid in the exfoliation process, to enhance hydration, reduce cellulite, eliminate acne, and brighten hyperpigmentation. Body treatments can also be a way to prevent or eliminate Keratosis Pilaris,  Ingrown Hairs on certain areas such as bikini-pubic or intimate area and even underarms.

All spa body treatments offered at MaxAesthetics in Philadelphia are focused on achieving a healthier looking skin.  Our body treatments may include Microdermabrasion scrub, peels, brighteners or lighteners and moisturizers. Carefully balanced to deeply cleanse, lift dullness and dryness and restore hydration and natural glow to your skin.

For chemical peel body treatments, typically a combination of glycolic acid and trichloroacetic acid along with natural brighteners such as Kojic acid are  added to the arms and legs peel to eliminate sandpapery or rough skin on the elbows and knees. These ingredients can also be used to improve sun damage / dark spots, freckles, and keratosis pilaris (tiny bumps or pimples that are actually dead skin cells plugging hair follicles), more commonly known as chicken skin.

Rough, scaly skin?

 Call 267.528.3859

  Exfoliating & Brightening Peel Spa Body Treatments

Body Peels exfoliate and aid in the elimination of dry rough skin or Keratosis Pilaris, ingrown hairs, blemishes and hyperpigmentation.

Depending on the issues being addressed and the areas being treated, multiple treatment sessions may be required to achieve desired results. Generally, it will take a minimum of  3-4 body peels to brighten 1 shade, and about 4-6 peels to lighten 2 shades, especially for stubborn hyperpigmentation on areas such as knees, elbows, knuckles etc.

Full legs peel $270/ Lower Legs $170

Inner thighs $150

Bikini $85/ Glutes $175

Knees $85 / Feet $85/ 

Hands $85

Full Arms $155

Underarms $85

Chest $125

Stomach $145

Full Back $175/  Half Back $135

Body Treatments

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Spa Body Treatment Philadelphia

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